Why Are Private Jets White?

Have you ever wondered why most private jets are white?

Surprisingly, they don’t start off as white! Private Jets are usually green during their testing stage. Not to be confused with military aircraft, the undercoat of zinc phosphate primer is what makes them a military green colour.

Let’s see the TOP 5 reasons in favour of Private Jets and other aircraft being white.

Thermal advantage

The main reason why planes are white is to keep them cool.
White is the colour like no other that helps with the reflection of the sun rather than absorbing it. In the air, private jets fly above the clouds which exposes them to direct UV radiation from the sun. The white colour not only protects aircraft by staying cool but thanks to the use of composite materials, also protects the aircraft from UV damages.

Why are Private Jets White

Safety consideration

Private Jets are inspected regularly for cracks, dents, leaks and any other type of damage. Having a white plane surface makes it easier to spot these issues quickly. Also, if we consider the subconscious aspects of how the majority of people feel about aircraft colour, then research shows that white is considered safer in its traditional appeal.

Not that we want to think about it, but in the unlikely event of a landing in the water, densely forested area or generally in the dark, a white aircraft is easier to see. By comparison, military planes usually are camouflage grey or green in order to blend with the sky.

Economic benefit

You might be wondering if white planes are easier to keep clean? And that’s true. Dirt adds drag, so a great motivation to keep Private Jets clean is fuel-efficiency. Also, white doesn’t fade or at least not as fast. On the other hand, other colours oxidise and fade over time.

If we take into consideration painting costs, having to repaint once every 4 to 5 years is a far more convincing decision than having to do it every two years. Plus, it can take one or two weeks to complete the painting, which is a loss of revenue while the jet is on the ground.

While economics are important, the weight of the paint is also hugely important. More paint means a heavier private jet that consumes more fuel and increases operating costs.

Higher charter value and resell opportunities

If you’re selling your phone – it’s easier to sell a classic colour like black or white, right? For Private Jets and planes, white is the classic colour that is easy to adjust with your branding. A Private Jet painted neutrally will have higher demand over a coloured and distinctive one.

Like a blank canvas, white jets allow marketers to express themselves, even though it is not always used that way. Honda Jets are one of the exceptions, with half of their small jets painted in bright colours.

Environmentally friendly

Now more than ever, you want to be conscious of the environmental impact of everything. Believe it or not, the white colour of the jet plays a role here too. We already touched on how the white of Private Jet can reduce fuel consumption and therefore, lowers carbon emissions.

Have you heard of bird strikes? Well, unfortunately, while sharing the airspace, a collision between an aircraft and a bird can happen. White exteriors enhance the contrast between the aircraft and the visual background for birds, which potentially increases the detection of the jet and helps to avoid a collision.

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